Are You Ready - Perfect Storm

This last time, we sent 50,000 of these into Cuba.

And 50,000 of these.


50,000 books in Havana ready to go to work.

50,000 tracts ready to go, also.

Small congregation in a converted house in Vereda Nueva.

Vereda Church library.

First box opened.

Baptismal Tank in Vereda.

On the road delivering books.

Read a brief report, scan the QR and watch the YouTube video report.

A common sight across Cuba. Call us if you want to find out how you can help raise U$2,000.00 to buy one of these electric scooters for the little church in Vereda Nueva (watch the video and learn why these are important).


IBE, Inc. • PO Box 352 • Jemison, Alabama 35085 • USA • Phone (205) 646-2941 •